
First Church Academy utilizes a hybrid model, a blend of both in school and at home instruction. Our desire is to partner with parents to provide engaging, meaningful learning experiences!

Elementary Program (K-4):

The students attend school three mornings a week (M/W/F) for math and language arts instruction in a hands-on format. Language arts is taught in thematic units to also integrate science/social studies concepts.

Parents primarily focus on science and social studies at home (T/Th), as these subjects lend themselves well to a family setting with multiple ages. The recommended curriculum is easy to follow and will encourage your child’s interests and natural curiosity.

We want Christ to be our focus, so Bible is woven into both settings. We also provide an optional enrichment block on Wednesday afternoons and include the following special areas: STEM, art, music, PE, etc.

Middle School Program (5-8):

Middle school learners delve deeply into all subjects and have an opportunity to learn the “whys” behind the content, engage in classroom discussions, and practice effective communication. 

Material is offered in a variety of formats allowing students to access one that best meets their learning needs. Parents are provided the tools needed to maintain the rigor and critical thinking for successful home instruction days.

Our optional Friday program is more relaxed than Mondays/Wednesdays. Students will be able to choose from a menu of options. They can receive math tutoring, PERT test prep, take PE, or participate in one of our many planned enrichment activities.